kewl, my results out le finally..
haha, i was too afraid to look at them myself, and i told my honey to help me so the difficult job.. in then end, wat i got is not too bad lah, at least enuff to persuade my family in having a relationship at this time.. thx Carmen honey, woot..
oh ya got 2 A+ and 2 A-, think still not too bad lah, with GPA 4, yup..
weee, Christmas is cuming! woot, soooooo looking forward to it, sooooooo much plans on christmas haha..
Merry christmas to all tat's reading this wooooooooooot~~~~~
well, EXAM IS OVER!!!!

god gracious, exam is freaking over finally..
time to spend time with my galfren and my family, and tell my family about my galfren lol.. ya, if you all are wondering, my family doesn't know, woot.. now it's time to be AFRAID: if my results are not good enuff, my family would not want me to be involved in a relationship, sigh...
oh anyway, i just celebrated our 1 month anniversary with my galfren, woot, i gotta be the luckiest guy in the whole universe, haha, see pic attached lol..
missing u guys out there as well, my 死党,玄门,老妈,女儿,孙女,等等... just wish u all can celebrate christmas with us, sigh..
HOHOHO, Merry Snow Making~

hohoho, merry christmas! hehe, well, not christmas yet, but it's already snowing~~!!~!~!
this is just kewl.. see me and my cute little brother doing the work~ wahahaha, and of cos, after working for like 5 hours (including time for snow fights and slacking and lying on the snow doing nothing), the fantastic snow couple is finally done!!
well, the name for this piece of artwork is: The Lovely Two, made especially for my honey, haha.. how i wish all my buddies and frens are here with me, to enjoy all of this together..
Hope u all enjoyed the pics haha~