Saturday, March 19, 2005


OMFG!!! due to my professional use of the internet service(though sum call it abuse), after downloading over 100gb of stuff within a month, the gY canadian internet service provider BAN me from using internet for suspecting me in using the infamous bittorrent download!!!

Well, i know they are jealous tat i can download so much tv series and anime and movie and games within a month, but i really haf no choice to hide my pro-ness.. sigh, hopefully those gYs won't accuse me of using bittorrent download and fine me or throw me into jail, or else all the gals tat i know and all those tat i'm going to know will be soooo sad and may even uprise against the canada government, sigh..

So a piece to advise to my fellow gY internet exploiters: dun overuse ur endless internet so tat u won't be noticed by those gY internet overlords. Well, wish me luck on continual downloding, wahahaha, i dun gif a damn. :D

Sunday, March 13, 2005

A small step from junior college, a big leap for Commander David!

Well, after the A'level results release, other than everyone bothering about the outcome of the gY results, then next thing tat bothers ppl most haf to be the admission into uni, woot! Well, dun ask me wat i get for A'levels, because we all chinese are a proud race, we cannot afford to let ppl know our "lousiness :P", even though i dun care much, haha.

Well, i just registered for university a few days ago, well, there is this lady tat look more like my younger sister to me tat help me with the registeration. After blasting me with bombastic flowery english, i realise she knows cantonese >.< next thing i know, she's graduated student with english and politics degree, GG. Now then i realise how old am I... T_T

Well, must be due to my super duper charismatic appearance, the deadline for registeration into september school term is suddenly changed to 30th of April rather than the usual 15th of Feb. Well, they said they got to go check on me so as to confirm tat i got all the results shown. Well, i do not blame them, surely sumone like me should not get such lousy results, i understand..

So now i got to keep myself occupied with all the gY moving house stuff, then i need to wait a month before the gY Simon Fraser University will gif me a notice. GG. Wish all those tat's reading my blog good luck registering for uni, and oso those hu got not as expected results to be happier, for even the great commander got very lousy results, hahaha.