birthday parteez~

well, i really dun expect to haf anyone celebrating my birthday with me, haha, so i tried to smile like my tooth is not ache, lol..
these pretty gals and handsome boys are my mum's and my frens. i really appreciate their trouble cuming over to my house to "celebrate" my birthday with me, haha, though i really din prepared anything for them, hehe.
oh, just to sidetrack a little: this is my first harvest! i dunno wat fruit it's called, but it's really really sweet, and u can buy them from the supermarkets. i think it's called ć¨ć˘
in chinese, not too sure :Păă
adding on to the last post
ok, i forgot to mention sumthing real disgusting too: my freaking toothache tat just started 2 days ago...
it seemed tat the filling of one of my teeth has fell out and sum food managed to get into the root of the tooth. next thing bacteria started to infect my tooth, and now it's swollen like a pig head, well, half a pig head. the whole of my left side is sooo painful, if there's a kind of shit which once i put into my mouth can stop the pain, i would do it without second thought, sadly i only got useless medicines, called amoxicillin, the doctress said it's the strongest already, but turn out to be useless poo.. (the doctress is sooo hot though, and her sister, which is the nurse, is sooo hot either, i was hoping they would anesthetic me unconscious and "operate" on me, lol. :P)
after going to the dentist, the fee for filling up tat tooth is 1600+, now THIS is bullshit. maybe this is the price of having a pretty doctor and nurse? it's 1600+ canadian dollars, omfg. i think i gotta find a way to convince my dad to allow me to return to either singapore or china for the filling to be done, just to help him save around 10 thousand rmb..
well, it's my dad's money, so he should think over it himself, lol.
ok, this is outrageous, so much happened since i last went online, erm, i mean able to went online.. well, first thing of all, i finally got my beloved KING cum EMPEROR cum COMMANDER size bed.. tat stupid united furnitures warehouse had delayed it for 2 weeks WTF, and they blame it on the harbour strike tat's going on right now, sigh..
secondly, i finally persuaded my mum to buy new furniture for our house, the most important point is I"M the one choosing them, wahahaha.. well, now my house looks much better, just like wat commander david should live in..
thirdly, and most importantly, my freaking 20th birthday is CUMMING, damn it. this freaking year would be the worst birthday ever, with 0 friends cuming to celebrate with me.. T_T oh god, who can save me from this eternal hellhole...
anyway, remember to send me presents ok? my birthday is on 26 july, for those bastards and bitches who dare forget my birthday, lol.