Pandalus platyceros!
Per 3.5 oz/100 grams of raw edible portion |
Calories | 85 |
Total fat | 0.4 g |
Protein | 20.0 g |
Cholesterol | 145.0 mg |
Sodium | 112.0 mg |
Source: The Complete Seafood Handbook |
This is the name of the gY prawn sold here, well, in fact it's the only type of prawn sold here X_X
However, it is really really
NICE! It's meat tastes like white river prawn from southern china, and the intestines like the red-colour-big-head prawn from Alaska, while the eggs is almost identical to the small prawns from the
mediterranean sea.. OMG.
Wat happen today is my dad bought home 16 lb of them.. 16 lb is around 8000 g, which is 6800 g of
calories and 32 g of
This marks the disruption cum destruction of my keeping fit plan and diet, as well as the beggining of my "pregnancy", until my dad leaves..
GG NO RE K THX BYE NOOB for me.. >_<
Murderous canadianzz!! (~o~)
After my feel like ten-thousand-years-stay, i cum to realise sumthing ---> all the canadians are MURDEROUS!!!
Y would i say so? Well, hear me! After my extended knowledge on road rules, i cum to realise tat the max speed allowed for any non-highways is 50km/hour. Well, it all seem well, until I actually go to the road and take a look. The gY ppl all drive their cars at the speed of at least 70km/hour, as in highway, their speed can go up to 130km/hour.
OMG, due to basic physics knowledge, we all know tat since our weight is << style="font-weight: bold;">2X the speed of the vehicle, which is 260km/hour. tat means we'll fly off for around 50m before finally hitting the ground, or hit another car and fly off another 50m..
So if u dare to go out to the road, be ready to get knocked down, gY.
Oh man, i feel like a geek..
Well, after so many repeatative days here, finally I got to eat sumthing a few kilometres from my house! T_T Godly happy.....
STEAM BOAT!! Holy shiet it's nice! At first the meat came in god damn big slices, but then it is god damn soft! Hmm, must be becos of the animal here, eat butter and drink milk everyday, no exercise and stay at home, therefore muscle becum flacid, so the meat softer..
I can feel my muscle becuming more and more flacid day by day T_T
Imagine The Punisher with soft muscle and big tummy, gY to max..
Well, as expected from the godliness of commander david aka punisher aka rainsword, i passed my written test today, for my driving license. now i'm qualified to dirve! wahahahaha!! (provided a qualified driver is sitting beside me, but tat's ok for me.)
let's hope tat my upcuming days are goooood~
I failed my written driving test today, well, due to underestimation in 2 sense: underestimate the knowledge needed, and mostly underestimated the cunningness of the canadians, GY. tomorrow i'm gonna PAWN the test, i
Reason to start blog
This is really gY to max, the main reason for starting this blog is --> because I'm BORED TO MAX! No school. no work, no driving liscense, and no mediacal service card, with constant rain everyday and night, my movement is restricted to the area of my brother's school and my rented house.. I hope my situation will get better soon, before i get completely sicked of this place..