22nd bday, 26th july 2007

Hey guys, been long time since I posted some solid pictures of what's going on here. Part of the reason is there's no picture taken, and secondly, I didn't post much at all..
Well, to begin with, above is picture of my gf's cousin and her bf. He's like a clone of ODL, trust me, that's why I'm posting their picture here. He's like Xiao-Ding to the fact that he's dominated by his gf too, who deprived him of all his games =_=" Well, it feels great to see someone I'm familiar with, haha..

KKz, back to my bday.. Above is sniped by my gf when we're buying my cake. yup, this is the best mango cake shop in the area, and not really very costly, but REALLY GOOD. nothing much to be said, except for the babe that just bypassed the shop.. *oops*

Right after, we head straight to the karaoke.. well, not a strange thing to do for me, I didn't feel like throwing a party (due to back problem, which made me really down). LALALA~~

This is where we had our dinner. Well, I know it looks kind of bright, but I have to tell you all something: the sky turns dark only at around 10pm O.O Not a bad place, will come back again~

Woot, finally, the part about cutting the cake.. For the first time in 22 years, I'm celebrating with only one person.. Haha, didn't feel bad at all. Well, just if you are wondering, the frog and lion are my presents, lol, cute right? hehe, one year older already, haha..
All the excuses for not posting
Every time I'm either too tired, or too lazy, I give myself reasons after reasons not to post here.. well, now my retributions come finally..
damn it I'm hospitalised and since then my backbone damaged by canadian fucking doctors..
it's serious enough for me to withdraw from all my courses and lie on my bed more than half a day..
kkz I don't want to talk about this again.. wat makes my post again, is after i visit my fren's blog. there's this love test inside, that pushed me to go try, hahaha..
well, kinda true, a good one to whoever created it.. here's the results:
The Keys to Your Heart |
 You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.
In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved.
You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.
Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.
In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily. |
Happy BDae LION roooaaAARR~~
ok, good job, another year older le, hehe, sorry to be updating this a week after my birthday on the 26 july, woot.. hehe, anyway, got pics again, woot. btw, sorry lingma and minie mouse lol, hahaha..

Well, let's haf a mass orgy picture first, so called as the 全家福 haha. Didn't ask too many people to my party though, just the close ones hehe..

"四大美女"图 >.<" who is the 杨贵妃啊?

BBQ Night! hehe, Shakira shakira~

My 2 good fren from school, Stephy of Indo and Rod of Columbia~~~

My precious, hehe.. And my favourite 绝版 punisher poster~

A nice couple here, with my bday present, wooot

2 last presents from the 2 babes, haha..
ok, my car is in repairs, again..
alright, it seems i should only post when sumthing significant enuff happened, and now it's just the perfect timing man..
ok, my car's brakes suddenly dysfunction halfway when i'm crossing the bridge, which is also a highway.. pulled the handbrakes, and it DIN work! to my surprise, i was not as panicked as i was supposed to be.. i mean, i'm on the highway, driving at 90 (not too fast today cause there's tons of cars on the road), luckily, and my brakes just dun function anymore, same goes to my handbrakes. in the end, i pressed the emergency button after i crossed the bridge, and try to kiss the side pavement, so that i can slow down and pull over...
ok, now i'm gonna do without my car for a week, yup, tat's just life.. i should be glad i din knock into sumone though haha..
lol the commander is back!
Ok, just realise i didn't post since before V'day lol, really sorry about that guys, sigh, really no time, even in the holis! but know wat, i've decided to post, even though there's 3 project due and 2 mid terms in 2 days time, sad isn't it?
oh ya i've got a new name, and tat's "Lion" lol. dun larff u guys, there's a long story behind the name, and it's cool too! (at least i think so)..
ok, a picture tells a thousand qords, and i am prepared to write a some-10-thousand-word essay here, hehe, enjoy, my buddies~!

ok, this is the prestigious Deer Lake! well, maybe not so prestigious, but it's just behind my house haha, picture taken on v'day hehe.

ok, i know it's hard to believe, but this is the Banana Leaf restaurant, in short, a Malay restaurant here in vancouver, but their bak kut teh sux to max though, haha.
this is Amarosa restaurant, or issit Amoroso, din remember, but definitely one of the best Italian restaurants here, the pasta and the salad are just fascinating, drooling...

this picture is taken when i'm driving, in psring, crazy enit? all the snow and stuff, haha..

This is Vacouver "i" Cafe, the food is ok, and of cos tat's 2 of the desserts we ordered, looks nice, but taste bad, sux.

this is a restaurant named "Death by Chocolate". for those who are wondering, yup, we both got killed by the chocolate there, absolutely fabtastic though.. wat a way to die haha..

now time for the 主角! let's welcome, "Cheese Cake Etc."!!! definitely the best ultimate thing anyone has to visit if u cum to vancouver, crazy quality, and crazy cheap, WTF! we went there for dunno how many times le, u can say we're addicted haha..

ok, many of u haf seen this picture le, yup, a really really adorable gal haha, although she looks pitiful though, but never mind, just look at our 2 grinning faces can le, hehe..

haha, anyone can guess what is this thing? well, times up, it's a needle! lol, pretty long one though, build to memorate sum fisherman i think, nevermind haha, look at my cool post.

this is the legendary Alaska King Crab! lol, we ate 3 in a week though, just could resist it at all, sigh.. absolutely delicious omfg.....
bean bean's birthday, with my custom-made huge cookie! hehe, the honey is me and the bean is my princess.. oh for those who do not know the story behind the nicks: the nicks are due to one of my mum's words "糖黏豆" haha..
well, sorry guys been not updating my blog, cos it's really soooo busy for me... finally there's a few seconds for me to rest after my long busy terms quizes and exams..(There's 3 mid terms and 2 quizes next week though >.<") talking about quizes and exam, haha i just got back my business stats mid term, and i got 106% lol.. adding to my other quizes, which is all 100%, i got a so far mark of > 100% lol, cool right.

well, btw, i had an OK chinese new year.. well, u know, it's vancouver here, not China right, so i din expect much actually, haha.. spend time with my family and gf in this big mall called Aberdeen Centre, yup, then we counted down and etc.. well, i dunno wat else to say le, haha, must be my busy life make me dumb..
oh ya tell u all sumthing ironic. yesterday my english fiction group presented our project, which includes the explication and analysis of the famous novel The Time Machine. i wrote the script for our presentation of the book. well, of cos i'm not the protagonist, haha, too short to be one. instead, my role is everything else, other than the male and female lead. well, actually those ppl hu are close to me knows how i hated acting, and imagine i wrote the script (because i'm the only person who knows how to, due to my past president experiences -_-") and played in it, sigh.. ok, the oronic part is not that. after the thing, and after class, there's these few gals who came to me and keep on exagerating," oh my god! ur morlock role is just sooo good. it's sooo hard to act as one without costumes and props, but u're sooo good at it, blah blah blah.." and u know what, our teacher who's still inside the class join in "ya, u definitely haf a potential to be an actor."
... ... well, wat can i say?

okok, soooo many happened, wooot..
kkz a pic speaks a thousand words, so let's see:
this is the new year i was talking about, sorry din got the pic by then, hehe, dun nid to introduce le right, lol..

kkz my brother's bday, 22nd Jan woot, 9 years old finally, haha.. this big hot wheels thing and othello is given by me and my mum, well, yup. if andy papa's here then it's best

haha, then my brother can becum othello professional sooner or later, hehe..
okok, tat's the party we held yesterday, woot, whoa never know even the great commander can be soooo tired just from organising party games for the kids, omg.. 我老了 haha..
of cos the one leaning against my brother then the one at his right are his two ex-girlfriends, lol pro right, hehe..
last thingg of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! (Chinese one of cos)